
A blue chair and some papers on the table

How to Prepare for a STAR Interview: The Star Method Interview Worksheet

You've received a list of hundreds of potential questions you might be asked in an...
A woman sitting at a table with another person.

Professional Interview Coaching: How will coaching help me?

Do I need a coach? Does it ever feel like you’re juggling so much that...
A man standing on the edge of a pier looking out at water.

Honesty in interview: 8 tips to handle your interview

You’ve been working hard to get to the interview for the job of your dreams,...
A person holding a coffee mug with the words " work smarter ".

How to plan the first 90 days in a new leadership role

How a 90-day plan can give you the best start  Landing a new dream job...
Two women sitting at a table with a laptop.

How to be a great listener, even on video calls

How much of your week is spent on video calls? Research suggests that since the...
A person writing in a notebook on top of a table.

12 active listening activities to improve your listening skills

When was the last time you really listened to someone? Think about the last time...
A black and white image of the word " aloft ".

Brainz Magazine

As an executive contributor for Brainz magazine, I have contributed to a range of informative articles and discussion pieces - click here to see my profile.


How to Improve Your Listening Skills?

Brainz Magazine - Exec Contributor


Top tips for new interviewers   

Brainz Magazine - Exec Contributor


How to really listen on video calls

Brainz Magazine - Exec Contributor

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